Hello and welcome!
What this is:
This is the very first post in what I hope to become a popular place for local Vero Beach Pickleball Players to hang out and discuss a sport we all love! This forum will evolve over time and hopefully become an amazing place full of the best people. I look forward to watching this community grow.
What this is NOT:
This is NOT the place to come and troll, be abusive, or annoying. Treat all members on this forum with respect and follow the golden rule as much as possible. Violators of the forums ToS (to be drafted and posted later) will be dealt with and removed if necessary.
Things to talk about:
Pickleball of course! This is the place to talk about all things related to pickleball. Of course, it is expected that relationships will develop and conversation topics will drift and that's okay. This is a family-friendly site and as long as the conversation is respectful it's fine here.
Things to NOT talk about:
Well, from experience there are two topics that should likely be avoided as they always trend downhill fast: Religion and Politics. So let's leave those two alone and stick to what's fun for all!
Again, welcome all, and let us build this community to share our passion for an amazing game!